
Karaoke Night

  • San Diego, CA -
  • 32 people on the list-

Poly/Queer/Kink/Inclusive Karaoke. Come one, come all. Bring a friend or two... or come meet new friends. Sing and dance (on stage or at the table)... or just hang out and laugh with friends. 

The Challenge Theme for the week is "boy bands". No one is obligated to sing at akl or to sing something in the theme. This is all just for funsies. But if you choose/song something in the theme, you get a (metaphorical) gold star. Feel free to get creative with what groups/types of music you identify as a "boy band". Out of the box thinking is always welcome.

** You're also welcome to sing any Disney songs you wanted to sing last week but weren't able to (either because you couldn't attend or the KJ didn't have it).

*** Event is typically every other week at Redwing and every other week at Carriage House (odien aligned with a kink-relates much but not exclusively kink-oriented).

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